富荣货源网 > 餐饮行业新闻资讯 > 综合货源资讯 >  帮忙鉴定莆田鞋版本 世界田联将开放原型鞋参赛

帮忙鉴定莆田鞋版本 世界田联将开放原型鞋参赛

发布时间:2022-05-26 09:05:35  来源:网友自行发布  浏览:   【】【】【

帮忙鉴定莆田鞋版本 世界田联将开放原型鞋参赛 莆田鞋一手工厂直供货源:不做垃圾货。主打真标,公司级,纯原级别等高品质货。给您更低的价格的同时。也必须要保证货的品质。品质才是一切的支撑。失去品质再低的价格也枉然。









  • 确认跑鞋制造商原型鞋的最终版本的发售日期,该日期不得晚于在比赛中首次穿着后的12个月。
  • 运动员(或其代表)向世界田联提交一份清单,其中包含该运动员在12个月内穿该鞋的第一次和之后比赛的日期和赛事。运动员(或其代表)必须将该清单的任何更改通知世界田联。
  • 运动员(或其代表)已获得世界田联事先书面批准,证明该原型鞋符合技术规则第5条的要求,并已获准用于比赛。
  • 在遵守所有规则和法规(包括本技术规则第5条等)的前提下,穿着该鞋的运动员的成绩将是有效的。比赛结束后,运动员必须应世界田联的要求交出该鞋以供进一步调查,包括在必要时切开该鞋。
  • 世界田联会不时在其网站上发布已批准的原型鞋清单,其中列出批准穿着该鞋的开始和截止日期。不会公布该鞋的的技术或知识产权信息。
  • 在指定的到期日期之后,此鞋不再符合原型鞋的资格,不能再用于比赛。鞋子将在该日期之后从清单中删除,但在遵守所有规则和法规(包括本技术规则第5条等)的前提下,穿着此原型鞋的运动员所取得的成绩仍然有效。
  • 根据规则和条例,世界田径运动保留将“未认证”(“ UNC TR5.5”)或不遵守技术规则5的原型穿着者创造的成绩宣布为无效的权利。




?Amendment to development shoe rules in international competitions

?World Athletics has approved a change to its rules governing development (prototype) shoes following requests by all major shoe manufacturers and the industry body that represents them, the World Federation of the Sports Goods Industry (‘WFSGI’).

?The amendment to the rule will allow development shoes to be worn in international competitions and competitions sanctioned by Member Federations where World Athletics rules are applied, prior to their availability to other athletes, upon approval of the shoe specifications by World Athletics. These shoes will have to meet the same technical specifications as all other approved shoes.

?Development shoes can continue to be worn in any competition where World Athletics’ competition and technical rules are not applied.

?The amendment, approved by World Athletics’ Council on 4 December, applies with immediate effect, to competitions sanctioned by World Athletics, Area Associations or Member Federations at which World Athletics’ Competition Rules and Technical Rules are enforced, but will not be permitted to be worn at the World Athletics Series or the Olympic Games.

?The development shoe can only be worn for a 12 month ‘development’ period.

?A list of approved development shoes will be posted on the World Athletics website stating the date from which the development shoe can be worn and the expiry date for approval. To date there is a list of 200 (spikes and non-spikes) approved shoes listed and published on the World Athletics website.

?This new proposal will be complemented by an athletic shoe availability scheme for shoes which is being developed by a Working Group on Athletic Shoes with representatives from shoe manufacturers and the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI).

?World Athletics CEO Jon Ridgeon said: “The use of competition to complete the final testing of development shoes by manufacturers has always been an important part of the shoe development process. This year has been a difficult one for both shoe manufacturers and athletes with significant disruption to manufacturing and reduced access to competitions for athletes around the world.

?“With shoe manufacturers agreeing to our new process of submitting specifications and shoes, if required, for approval ahead of being worn in competition, we are confident that this amendment will not impact the integrity of competition.”

?Summary of notes relating to the new rule:

?"Development shoe" means a shoe (i.e. spike or road shoes) which has never been available for purchase but which a sports manufacturer is developing to bring to market and would like to conduct tests with their sponsored athletes (who agree to test the shoe) on issues such as safety and performance before the shoe is available for purchase.

?Development shoes are not required to be made available for purchase or subject to the availability scheme provided that, prior to being worn for the first time, the development shoe meets the following conditions:

?the athlete (or their representative) must submit the specification to World Athletics and, where requested, provide a sample of the development shoe for further examination which includes, if necessary, cutting up the shoe, and provide the date and event of the first competition at which the athlete wishes to compete in a development shoe

  • confirm the latest date upon which the sports manufacturer will make the final version of the development shoe available for purchase which must be not be later than 12 months after the first time the development shoe is worn in a competition.
  • the athlete (or their representative) submits to World Athletics a list containing the date and event of the first and all subsequent competitions at which the athlete proposes to wear a development shoe within the 12 month period. The athlete (or their representative) must notify World Athletics of any changes to that list.
  • the athlete (or their representative) has received prior written approval from World Athletics that the development shoe complies with the requirements of Rule 5 of the Technical Rules and is approved for use in competitions.?
  • Subject to compliance with all rules and regulations (including this Rule 5 of the Technical Rules and these notes), performances achieved by an athlete wearing a development shoe will be valid. After the conclusion of a competition a development shoe must be handed over by the athlete on request by World Athletics for further investigation by World Athletics which includes, if necessary, cutting up the development shoe.
  • World Athletics will publish from time to time on its website a list of approved development shoes stating the date starting from which the development shoe can be worn and the expiry date for approval. No technical or proprietary information belonging to a sports manufacturer will be published.
  • After the expiry date specified the shoe no longer qualifies as a development shoe and can no longer be used in competitions. The shoe will be removed from the approved list after its expiry date and, subject to compliance with all rules and regulations (including this Rule 5 of the Technical Rules and these notes), results achieved by an athlete wearing the development shoe will remain valid.
  • In accordance with the rules and regulations, World Athletics reserves the right to classify a result as ‘Uncertified’ (‘UNC TR5.5’) or declare the athlete’s performance as invalid for non-compliance with Technical Rule 5.

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